30DaysOfBibleLettering - Round 4 Sýnishorn

30DaysOfBibleLettering - Round 4

DAY 15 OF 30

Surely Your word is a lamp to guide my feet.
Psalms 119:105 NLT

Have you ever been lost? Being lost is one of the things I dislike most. In my mind, I question each step I take because the uncertainty of whether I’m headed in the right or wrong direction. 

This past year my husband and I made a big move from California to Texas. While we were in the process of building our home in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, we lived about two hours away in Abilene, Texas with my in-laws. (God bless them!!) And like in any new city, I was dependent on my iPhone map to get anywhere. One day I was meeting my husband for lunch, so I plugged his office address in my phone and set out on my way. But after being on the same road for quite some time, I realized it had been a while since getting a new instruction from my phone on which way to go. I looked and to my surprise, the battery was dead! Having no idea where I was, I pulled over so I could think through what to do next. Tears welled up in my eyes. Not only did I have no way to call my husband to let him know I was going to be late, but I had no idea which way to turn to get home or to his office. I was completely lost and unsure of which way to go!

It’s one thing to feel geographically lost when in a new city, but it’s a whole other experience to feel lost when in a new season of life. Have you ever just felt lost in life and unsure of which direction to turn next? Now that my husband and I are moved into our new home, we’re in the process of starting a brand new season. In starting this new season, I have felt a little lost and unsure of my next step to take. Should I do this or that? How should I fill my calendar? There are so many unknowns, so many variables.

I have taken time to “pull over” and seek God and His direction. I haven’t received a detailed list of what to do next, nor will I probably ever receive this type of itinerary. But what I have received is a reminder of very important truths that are found in God’s word:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

God will make our path straight. As we continue to put our trust in God and invite Him into every area of our life, He will make our path straight. He will gently lead and guide us every step of the way.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

God is with us wherever we go. It is so encouraging to know that whether we stay on track or make a wrong turn God is WITH US. He never leaves us and is there for us when we call out to Him for help.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105 NLT) 

God’s word is a light that guides our steps. As we journey into the unknown, reading and studying the Bible is one of the most important things we can do. When we feel lost, God is calling us to have faith in Him, His plan, and His timing. His word lights our way and gives us the strength and endurance to keep moving forward. And while feeling lost might feel like a waste of time, I believe it’s in these seasons that God is longing to draw us closer to Him and build our faith, hope, and trust in Him. We just have to keep moving forward and believe that God will lead us as we put our trust in him. 

by @craftedby

Dag 14Dag 16

About this Plan

30DaysOfBibleLettering - Round 4

The 30daysofbiblelettering challenge has captured many passionate and newly discovered lettering fans/pros/friends/people. This plan contains a devotion for every day, written by 30 artists. So, if you are a "letterer" or not, this reading plan will challenge, support and comfort you. Get inspired by others' letterings and creations by visiting the hashtag #30daysofbiblelettering
