Find Joy and Spread It!Sýnishorn

Find Joy and Spread It!

DAY 2 OF 6

Let the truth override the sadness.

People around me were looking at me, confused, as I stood on the treadmill at the gym with two sets of headphones on.

I just love working out to good music with uplifting lyrics, but I also wanted to catch the news that was on TV. So I thought, "I can listen to the news on my smaller headphones and my music on my larger headphones…at the same time!"

I'm sure it looked very funny, but it actually worked! I suddenly became aware that even though the news wasn't very positive, the music played over it: "My God has all power; nothing is impossible for Him." I realized that Jesus' truth was giving me joy and confidence, even though the news was bad.

Isn't that wonderful? We can stand in the middle of the storm, and Jesus will give us joy! Wow! Wow! Wow!

We will always be confronted with bad news in our daily lives. That's a fact. But Jesus wants to give us peace, in the midst of that turmoil. In the midst of sadness, you can find joy. In the midst of hopelessness, you can find hope! All because Jesus loves you: "'I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'" (John 16:33, NIV) Psalm 23 also reassures us that "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4, NIV)

This truth should be the music that always plays in your mind, overriding your worries, your fears, your hardships, and your sadness. As you go about your day today, I encourage you to put on these "headphones of joy" to remind yourself at every moment that no matter what you hear or experience today, the King of Kings has all power!

You are a miracle!


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About this Plan

Find Joy and Spread It!

This is going to be an awesome week because this week, it should make you happy! And what could be better than finding joy and spreading it? Often it's just little things that we overlook in everyday life that make a big difference! Are you ready to find JOY this week?
