Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18Sýnishorn

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

DAY 5 OF 30

What is this passage saying?

The apostles and the brethren heard about what happened in Cornelius’ house and they met with Peter. These men reacted very similarly to how Peter first reacted when he received this vision. These men are described as being of “the circumcision” John MacArthur writes that this title was given to Jewish Christians. The Gentiles are described by the Jews as “uncircumcised men.”. Circumcision was a physical sign given to Abraham by God; this physical sign was meant to separate God’s people from the pagan nations around them. (Genesis 17) Every Israelite male was circumcised, and any male foreigners that join Israel. Each Jewish man bore a physical mark on their body that consecrated them to God. There was great pride in this. Throughout the ministry of Jesus, we read about the Pharisees who took more pride in the elevation of their separation from Gentiles, forgetting the responsibility that came with being God’s chosen race. Pride could’ve dictated the way the apostles and brethren responded to what Peter was about to tell them. But that is not what we see in verse 18, we read that the men glorified God for allowing the Gentiles to repent, granting them salvation. This is how Christians respond when a lost soul is found by the loving-kindness of God. God was at work; His Gospel was not limited.

What is this passage teaching?

No one is outside the realm of God’s grace. Pride in our own personal holiness can drown out our enthusiasm to see all come to saving knowledge in Jesus. The work of God is undeniable. His ways are so far above our ways. He is always working, there is nothing outside the realm of His knowledge. This passage is so humbling because His ways are for our good. Throughout the Bible, we see the mighty works of God. He allows certain things with the intention of correcting and healing people. The common thread throughout the Bible is the coming of Jesus, His Son that would redeem all of mankind into right standing with the God of the universe. He has never given us a reason to doubt Him. He is more than worthy of our praise and trust. His works are undeniable and not hidden- yet we far too often miss them. I love and know my husband, how he thinks, and how he would handle a situation. You can give a scenario involving my husband and I know how he will react. He could say the same about me. This comes from spending time with a person. You know how your loved ones operate. You know their tendencies, what makes them angry or nervous. Do we know the ways and attributes of God in the same way? Let’s say you are listening to a teacher teach about God, how do you know what they saying is correct? The apostles knew God intimately. So, when they hear about gentiles confessing that Jesus is Lord and about the signs that accompanied these events. Even though in their flesh this was contrary to what they knew- there was no doubt in their mind, God was at work. His fingerprints were all over it. They had no choice but to praise Him.

How do I respond?

Know God. Love Him and pursue Him in His word. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal scripture to you and to enlighten you to the ways of God. 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to His own glory and excellence,” You have everything you need in Christ Jesus- now exercise it.


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About this Plan

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

In this 21-day "journey" through Acts chapters 10-18, you will begin to see that the Book of Acts is not merely an account of what happened, but rather what is still happening, to this day, around the world! You will get to see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus back then and recognize and appreciate the Holy Spirit's continued presence and power today.
