The Journey of a Generous Business LeaderSýnishorn

The Journey of a Generous Business Leader

DAY 4 OF 5

The Journey of a Generous Business Leader: Part IV

In this series, we’re discussing the five phases many leaders experience on their journey to becoming generous. The fourth phase is the “Cheerful” giver.

Many “Compulsory” givers reach the place of giving 10% of their income and feel they’ve reached their destination. They think they have met their obligation to God and that’s good enough.

This unfortunately robs them of the joy of giving from a grateful heart, rather than compulsion.

2 Corinthians 9:7 teaches, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

If you desire to grow beyond compulsory giving and on to cheerful giving, consider increasing your giving each year. With the additional funds give cheerfully to build God’s Kingdom.

Questions For Reflection

  • Does giving your money away make you happy? What is your focus when you give? Are you only considering what you could have done with the extra money, or do you focus, instead, on how the money will benefit others?
  • What organization do you give to? If you don’t have a home church, have you been able to find a good charity? Can you see the impact of your money or time in said organization? How does knowing the good it is doing for others make you feel about giving?
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