Discovering Your Identity in ChristSýnishorn

Discovering Your Identity in Christ

DAY 4 OF 4

Created for a Purpose

Let's read the last thing that Jesus told his disciples to do in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus was very specific in being sure that the disciples understood what they were to continue to do once he was no longer around. His last command was – GO! Jesus understood that his disciples needed direction. They needed to understand what to do when he wasn't around to teach them anymore.

Just like those disciples, we need direction for our lives as well. It is one thing to be created in his image, but what do we do with that? Matthew 28:19-20 shows us clearly what we are to do – GO. Going is not always to the other side of the world. It can be to the other side of the street to express God's heart to friends and neighbors who may be in need.

We were created as GO kind of people. If we are left on our own and to our own devices for too long, we tend to get lost. We need to know what direction to head in. So – Jesus tells us to GO – to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others.

And here's the best we make others our focus and we follow what God has called us to's this weird dynamic where we start to see ourselves as we truly are. We not only learn to lean further into God, but we also see more of what God has already put within us and we surprise ourselves with a capacity we didn't know we had!

Let’s Reflect

Take some time with God and make a list of things you can do now in your personal circumstances and situations where you can GO. Consider some of the following ideas:

· Praying for people in need – family, unsaved friends, nations, people groups

· Reaching out to be a practical help to others – volunteering to help neighbors, supporting community groups.

· Expressing God's heart through kindness and compassion to everyone you meet with the knowledge that everyone everywhere needs a little kindness in their lives.

Dag 3

About this Plan

Discovering Your Identity in Christ

This is an introduction in how to understand your identity in Christ. To figure out who we are, we have to go back to the original designer - God himself! Through that incredible journey of discovery, we not only find more about who God is, but we get to discover more about who we are as well.
