3 Bible Verses That Inspired Us to Be Irrationally GenerousSýnishorn

3 Bible Verses That Inspired Us to Be Irrationally Generous

DAY 2 OF 3

For many years I would read a passage like this and just skim right through it. I just assumed I wasn’t the “rich” that he was referring to.

But then I discovered that my $45k annual salary actually put me in the top 2% wealthiest people in the world.

And once I crossed a $60k annual salary I was officially a 1-percenter.

It’s crazy to think about, isn’t it? It really put things in perspective for me.

Because I felt anything but rich. In fact, I felt broke. Especially when comparing myself to the Kardashians or any number of Instagrammers who appear to be a whole lot richer than me.

But, I was forced to come to terms with the fact that whether I was in the top 1%, 2%, or even 10%, I probably qualified as “the rich” Paul was talking about in this passage.

Once I acknowledged that this verse might be for me, I began looking to see what was required of me.

And it breaks down to this:

  1. Don’t trust in your money, but in God
  2. Be generous and willing to share

And then in verse 19, yet again, Paul references these treasures that are tied to our giving.

So, if you just discovered that you might be richer than you realized, let me encourage you with those simple instructions Paul laid out.

Actively work to not put your trust in your bank account or your job, but instead to fully trust in God. And, regardless of whether you feel like you have a lot, choose to be grateful for what you have knowing that you probably have a better financial hand than most people in the world.

And according to Paul, with that comes a responsibility to be generous and share with others.

Let’s pray:

God, regardless of my current financial situation, please help me remove any trust that I have placed in my bank accounts, investments, or job. May my trust solely be in you as my provider. And help me to see how blessed I really am so that I can be more willing to share with those in need around me. And help me to enjoy the blessings you have provided me without any guilt or shame because you are the one ‘who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment’. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dag 1Dag 3

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3 Bible Verses That Inspired Us to Be Irrationally Generous

A couple years ago my wife and I reached one of the most significant milestones in our lives. After keeping track for 15 years, we discovered that we had given away a total of $1 million dollars to causes and organizations we believed in. These 3 Bible verses were critical to accomplishing that goal.
