Creation: Devotions From Time Of GraceSýnishorn

Creation: Devotions From Time Of Grace

DAY 1 OF 3

Creation is Calling

When my toes inched closer to the 1,000-foot drop, no one had to tell me to be impressed with the Grand Canyon. There was something awe-inspiring and breathtaking and glorious about the view, no matter which direction I looked. No wonder over four million visitors stop by the canyon each year.

Ever wonder why we are moved by moments like that? Why do tropical sunsets and towering mountains and the belly laughs of little kids move us so profoundly? Why do we reach for our cameras when green trees burst into blazing oranges and reds? Why do we automatically sigh in relaxation when the lake is calm and the sun is warm? Why does this world so often leave us silently mouthing, “Wow . . .”?

The apostle Paul could answer all those questions with one word--God. In Romans, he states, “God’s invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (1:20). In other words, you can see the God you can’t see. How? By understanding what has been made. By connecting this created world to the Creator. By looking around in wonder and then looking up to worship a wonderful God.

The next time this life moves you to stop and stare, stop and see God. Look down into the magnificent canyons, across the coffee shop table at your laughing friends, into the bright eyes of a newborn after a nap, and finally up to the invisible face of God, which might not be that invisible after all.


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