The Coming Messiah: A Study in ZechariahSýnishorn

What does it say?
The Lord gives rain and a harvest, while idols and diviners give false comfort. God will compassionately save, gather, and strengthen His people, who will walk in His name.
What does it mean?
The work of rebuilding the temple was made even more difficult by the years of drought brought on by God’s judgment. Zechariah used their concern for their physical well-being to point out why their circumstances were such – they had believed lies instead of God’s prophets. Just as they wouldn’t hesitate to pray for the spring rain necessary for a fall harvest, they should look to the Lord and His promised Messiah if they would be a fruitful nation. This Shepherd would also be a mighty warrior, one day leading His people to victory and unity.
How should I respond?
It’s second nature to turn to the Lord when things like a job loss or serious illness threaten our physical well-being. Recognizing threats to your spiritual well-being requires a higher degree of intentionality. How can you navigate a world full of false comfort, deceptive messages, and unfulfilled promises? By following closely behind your Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He not only sees lurking predators, but He has also already defeated them! Are you in danger of being deceived? What sinful activity is threatening your fruitfulness? Only by looking to the Lord through prayer can its grip be broken.
About this Plan

Like Haggai, Zechariah prophesies during the post-exilic period as Israel began resettling in the Promised Land. Zechariah encourages Israel to remain faithful and prophesies of a coming righteous King who will bring salvation to His people (Zechariah 9:10). This book reminds us that we too must be to what God has called us to, always hopefully anticipating when God Himself “will be king over all the earth” (Zechariah 14:9).