Following Jesus From Apathy to AdvocacySýnishorn

Following Jesus From Apathy to Advocacy

DAY 1 OF 6


Some might say we have an apathy problem in our world today.

We are passionate about some things, but apathetic about many things that matter. Some of our best energies are spent pursuing safety, financial security, and leisure for ourselves and our families, or advocating for our favored politicians, or, as is true for the audience in Isaiah, in conducting religious activities.

Think about the last few times you felt dedicated to something? What were those moments about? What provoked your passion and investment?

Passion about our own personal safety and comfort and care for our loved ones is not a bad way to spend our time and energy. And we can even engage passionately in politics and other issues of civic duty. But shouldn’t we also be passionate and engaged in the safety and health of others? The response according to God’s kingdom - absolutely!

And the great news: God’s instructions are clear about what he asks of us:

Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Isa. 1:17 (NIV)

Much later the writer of James put the same point this way:

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)

Apathy can often be caused by a lack of awareness. Today, it has become increasingly difficult in our world to know our neighbors deeply enough level to understand their personal needs, their hurts and pains, and ways they might be suffering. Modern life fills up quickly, and we often find ourselves surrounded in our neighborhoods, schools, and work by people who are like us. People around us often come from similar backgrounds, the same socioeconomic status, where at least basic aspects of life are in common. That means we are making fewer durable and deep relationships with others outside of our inner circles and compassion does not have room to grow in our hearts.


Read Rom. 5:5. Ask God to reveal to you where you are apathetic, where you are not extending love and care towards those in need around you.

Dag 2

About this Plan

Following Jesus From Apathy to Advocacy

Life with Jesus involves an awakening of our passions and a focus of our time, attention, and resources. We can tend to be apathetic about brokenness in the world when we are unexposed or engaged in other activities. Rather Jesus calls us to engage, to respond, and to allow our hearts to be broken as we pursue a path toward biblical engagement and advocacy.
