FILO: Advent for the Church Technical ArtistSýnishorn

Today, we are looking at a passage from John, chapter 1, verses 6-9.
There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. We are one of those families who don’t mind listening to Christmas music all year long and put the tree up before Thanksgiving. Once the “ber” months hit—September, October, November, December—it’s the Christmas season. Being in ministry, Christmas becomes the topic of conversation as soon as summer is over. But more than being the next big thing on the calendar that requires a lot of planning and programming, I believe it is the most important event to hope for, dream about, dwell on, and linger in. I mean, come on—let these words sink in.
I can’t think of a statement that brings more hope than this. The light was coming into the darkness. It would be true light, not just a representation of light. It would reveal and bring warmth and guidance. The light would be generous and withhold nothing. The light was for everyone: no favorites, exclusions, or limitations. The light was going to be near. It would be in our world, where we are.
I need that kind of light every single day. I need that kind of savior every single day. We all do. That’s what Christmas is all about—perfect light piercing the maddening darkness.
When I read this entire passage of scripture, I can’t help but think about how I can be more like John the Baptist this Christmas season. He was an ordinary man, sent by God to give personal testimony so that people would believe. His message wasn’t about him, and he ensured people knew it. He made sure people knew THE TRUE LIGHT WAS COMING.
There’s nothing more overwhelming than darkness. The darkness of sin, grief, and anxiety. The darkness of loss, desperation, and loneliness. We are wading through so much darkness now, and we need a lifeline more than ever. Our world needs THE light of the world more than anything.
This Christmas, let us be like John in our passion and enthusiasm to tell others about Jesus. And let us be like Jesus and bring light and love to every dark corner of our world.
- Stef Cassetto
About this Plan

Advent can be a busy time for many of us but is often busy to the point of burnout for technical artists in the local church. Set builds, service planning, and getting ready to welcome guests to your church is a lot! Let the FILO Community encourage you and remind you of the reason for your hard work this season!