Living Hope: A Study in 1 PeterSýnishorn

What does it say?
Church leaders were given instructions on how to shepherd God’s people. Believers must show humility to one another, resist the devil, and stand firm in their faith.
What does it mean?
Peter described the personal qualities and responsibilities of spiritual leaders. As shepherds of God’s people, pastors are to serve as overseers, not because they must, but because they are willing. Instead of lording it over those under their care, they should lead by godly example. Those pastors who are faithful will receive the crown of glory when the Chief Shepherd returns. All believers should submit to God’s care and resist the devil who “prowls around” to cause suffering and despair. But the God of all grace stands by to deliver, restore, and strengthen His people.
How should I respond?
A pastor has a high calling and the challenging responsibilities of shepherding God’s people and preaching His Word. He is called to lead those under his care by being an example while continuing to grow in his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What can you do to encourage your pastor in his God-appointed role? Most pastors also have a wife and family to support and lead. How often do you pray for protection and guidance for your pastor and his family? You also have a shepherding role to fulfill as one of God's people. What are you doing daily to be an example so that you can lead others to follow Christ?
About this Plan

1 Peter was written to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” (1 Peter 1:1), a group of believers forced to flee their homes and lives due to persecution. Although they lost much, Peter reminds his readers that they have “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Peter 1:4). Truly, Jesus is our Living Hope, transcending all our difficulties to provide hope and courage amid opposition.