Daily Prayers for My HusbandSýnishorn

Daily Prayers for My Husband

DAY 17 OF 21


The Lord God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. GENESIS 2:22 CSB

After God created the heavens and the earth, He brought Adam a gift that would change his life forever: Eve. And the holy blessing is that Adam received her with open arms. Such is what we do when someone gives us a gift—we receive it, we unwrap it, we look at it, and we hold on to not only the joy we feel from the gift but the sentiment we feel toward the giver. The excitement Adam must have felt, the gratefulness to God he must have expressed, is no less than what any husband experiences when God has “brought” him a lifelong partner. In turn, may you take and receive your husband not only the way you did on your wedding day but every day the sun rises, while holding on to the same gratitude you felt the day God brought him into your life.

Father, my heart overflows with sincere appreciation because You created and brought to me my husband, my partner in life. I remember the day we met and the day we said our vows, and I carry that joy into today. Help me to keep him and the blessing he is to me above the dailiness of life and the details that try to draw my eyes and my heart off such a gift. Help me to honor him, serve him, love him, laugh with him, cry with him, and forgive him throughout our days and years together. Help me never to take for granted the partnership we share and the purpose You give us together. The words “thank you” don’t come close to expressing the depth of gratitude I feel toward You for this experience of loving and holding the man You have brought to me. Please help me to do my very best to uphold him in all the ways that will please him and You.IN YOUR GREAT NAME I PRAY. AMEN.


Dag 16Dag 18

About this Plan

Daily Prayers for My Husband

Whether you’ve been married for five minutes or fifty years, one of the most loving things you can do to strengthen and protect your marriage is to pray. Your husband needs your prayer support to encourage and empower him to be the man God created him to be and equip him to take on life's daily challenges. As you pray, you'll be inspired to express your love and care for him in new and meaningful ways.
