Faith Over Fear of the FutureSýnishorn

In a World of Betrayal, BE FAITHFUL
The inspiring work of returning good for evil.
It may seem strange that Jesus would include betrayal in his list of what his followers could expect as His second coming draws near. In the face of war, famine, disease, earthquakes, and persecution, it may seem at first glance that someone breaking our trust is a small matter. In actuality, betrayal is where many other sins find their root.
Think of the first sins in history. Satan’s fall. Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel. Betrayal of trust was at work in all of them. Nothing stings so sharply as being betrayed by someone you have loved, honored, or trusted, whether it’s an unfaithful spouse, an ungrateful child, an unfair boss, an unscrupulous church leader, or an unreliable friend.
The world of the end will be characterized by many broken things—including broken trust. As followers of Christ, we must learn how to remain faithful to God and each other. And when we are betrayed, we must resist falling into cycles of revenge and retribution. Instead, we look to Christ to strengthen our resolve to hold to the faith, love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us.
What did Jesus do when He knew Judas had left the upper room to inform officials of His whereabouts? Jesus still had work to do before His arrest, and in John 14–16 He gave His disciples the greatest sermon of His life. Then, in the Kidron Valley, Jesus offered His longest prayer recorded in the Bible—John 17.
In the middle of betrayal, Jesus remained focused on His purpose.
Even later, after He was arrested because of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus remained steady in the awful work before Him. He didn’t let that betrayal derail Him. Instead, He continued forward, even to the cross. The book of Hebrews says that Jesus, “For the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (12:2).
In our divisive and vindictive age, we have the opportunity to shine the light of love, grace, and forgiveness, showing to those who betray us that the love of Jesus is real and it makes a real difference. Let it always be said that followers of Jesus are faithful and true—even in a world of betrayal such as the World of the End. Don’t let such a world trip you up or drag you down. Instead, be faithful.
About this Plan

In this devotional based on his book The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecies Shape Our Priorities, Dr. David Jeremiah reveals how the Bible has already laid the foundation for how we can live victoriously in difficult times without fear of the future. Find encouragement and be equipped to stand firm, confident in God’s ultimate victory.