Our Daily Bread: Serving TogetherSýnishorn

Our Daily Bread: Serving Together

DAY 6 OF 10


For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. -John 6:33

I live in a small Mexican city where every morning and evening you can hear a distinctive cry: “Bread!” A man with a huge basket on his bike offers a variety of fresh sweet and salty bread for sale.

I used to live in a bigger city and had to go to the bakery to buy bread. So I enjoy having fresh bread brought to my door.

Jesus brought the bread of heaven to Israel’s door when He said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever” (John 6:51). Having eaten the meal Jesus provided from “five small barley loaves and two small fish” (v. 9), the people looked for the next meal, yet He came to satisfy spiritual hunger.

Someone said that evangelism is one beggar telling another where he found bread.

Many of us can say, “Once I was spiritually hungry, spiritually starving because of my sins. Then I heard the good news. Someone told me where to find bread: in Jesus. And my life changed!”

Believers have the privilege and responsibility of pointing others to the Bread of Life, in our neighborhood, workplace, school, and in our places of recreation. We can talk about Jesus in the waiting room, on the bus, or on the train. We can take the good news to others through doors of friendship.

Let’s tell everybody about Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Keila Ochoa

Why is it so important to share Christ with others? Who’s someone you can share the Bread of Life with today?

Lord Jesus, I want to be Your witness everywhere I go. Help me to share your gift with all those around me.


Dag 5Dag 7

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Our Daily Bread: Serving Together

Although we may speak different languages, we all serve the same God. Learn about loving Christ and loving others with these 10 spiritual meditations from Our Daily Bread’s Hispanic writers.
