Courageous Choices Part 1Sýnishorn

Courageous Choices Part 1

DAY 1 OF 5


Life is a series of decisions. Time and again you come to a crossroads, a decision point, and you have to choose which direction you will go. Sometimes you’re eager and sometimes you feel paralyzed. Sometimes you’re confident and sometimes you’re scared. But decisions must be made. Will you be bold? Will you be obedient? Will you do the hard thing? Will you run away or will you move forward?

Following their rescue from Egypt, the Israelite people boldly followed Moses to the Promised Land. But when they got there, they chose not to move forward. They were afraid. They didn’t trust the God of the Exodus, the God who sent plagues and sent them across the sea on dry land and gave them water from a rock and manna from heaven. They reached a crossroads and they turned back. And that generation of adults wandered for 40 years until they all died, until Moses died, and then a new generation and new leader came to the same crossroads. What decision will they make this time? Will they let go of the past and boldly move forward into the new thing that God has waiting for them?

Ask Yourself:

-Have I faced crossroads in the past that I avoided? What were the consequences?

-What areas of my life are at a crossroads right now? How am I handling the decision-making process?

Pause to Pray: Lord, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You have shown your faithfulness to your people time and again. When they follow, You lead them to abundant life. You lead them to your presence. I want to follow you in these decisions. I’m feeling [scared, excited, nervous, overwhelmed, etc]. You are trustworthy. You are good. Give me the wisdom to make a bold decision. Amen.

Take a Next Step:

Make a list or sketch a crossroads that details the decisions you’re facing. Commit to praying boldly as you work through this reading plan. Take it a step further- journal your decisions, write down your prayers, and record any wisdom God gives you through your time reading the Bible, through conversations with trusted friends, and through your prayer time.

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About this Plan

Courageous Choices Part 1

The road of life is marked by a series of decision points, and at each crossroads we must make a choice. Will we make courageous choices or cowardly choices? In this 4-part plan, we’ll explore the crossroads that Joshua faced as he led the Israelites into the Promised Land and learn from him how to obey God in the big and small decisions of everyday life.
