I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by BwfwomanSýnishorn

I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by Bwfwoman

DAY 9 OF 10

It’s Day 8, and the beauty of God’s plan for purpose is resonating deeply. We now see that our purpose is not just for us but also for others that God will bring into our lives. When God created you, He was not only thinking about you but all the people He would set in your path to be touched through your purpose. When God crafted you in your mother’s womb, He literally “set you apart” for your purpose, with the intent that you would bless others through it.

This understanding reveals another one of God’s patterns—His pattern for purpose.

God’s pattern for purpose is that He uses people to bless people, which, in turn, blesses the giver and receiver. In many instances in the Word, God called on a person and then used that person to lead people, save others, or even prevent disaster—ultimately drawing them closer to Him. Noah, Hannah, Lazarus, and even Jesus, to name a few: all of their lives reflect God’s pattern for purpose.

God’s Pattern Provides Restoration

In each of these cases, we can see how these people were challenged, how they gave through their purpose, and how they were restored to God’s best. Just as their challenge and giving served a purpose, their restoration did as well—it proved God’s promises. Each was challenged, but God’s pattern for their purpose and willingness to walk with God through the challenge brought them to a place of restoration. They were blessed through their restoration, and the people around them were blessed too!

  • Noah’s restoration ushered in a new civilization of people.
  • Hannah’s restoration blessed the temple and the people with her son, Samuel.
  • Lazarus’ restoration caused the people to believe.
  • Jesus’ restoration provides an eternal blessing to everyone who accepts Him as their Savior.

In each case, their purpose led to restoration, which, in turn, led to an even greater purpose. If you’ve followed me for any period, you’ve probably heard me say that every round goes higher and higher! God purposed you, but His pattern didn’t stop with His first touch. His pattern continues, with restoration designed for you, again, taking you higher and higher into your purpose.

Trusting God in His Pattern

There’s one more takeaway in each of these lives that God restored. They each experienced a moment when they had to trust God, listening to Him despite what others thought or said—and this action is what set up their restoration.

  • Noah built an ark when no one had ever seen rain; he did what he did because he had listened to God.
  • Hannah prayed at the altar for a child, to the point that the priests thought she had gone mad; she did what she did because she had listened to God.
  • Lazarus came out of the grave after everyone knew he was dead; he did what he did because he had listened to God.
  • Jesus gave His life against all odds and through His great love for us; he did what he did because he listened to God.

Just as God works in patterns, we too can follow a pattern that produces a reliable result every time—that pattern is listening to God and following His instruction. When we listen to God and are obedient in implementing what He tells us, we will be led to give to others, leading to a season of restoration.

Listen to God, and He will show you His purpose for you. Whenever God has a plan for you, He will reveal your next steps when you listen.

When you listen to God, you’ll see Him work out His purpose AND His restoration for you. The key to your restoration is found in God’s presence—in spending time in your prayer and meditation practice.

When you choose to flow with God’s pattern, you’ll enjoy a feeling of deep satisfaction and fulfillment and understand how critical your worth is to the world and God’s kingdom.

Today’s Affirmation:

I find beauty in God’s presence, and there is a gentle unfolding of His truth in my life. His light illuminates my mind. I am peaceful and present. I am beholding His beauty. I am relaxed, restored, and rejuvenated by His love. I have found the secret key, which is simply listening to God. I create space for God to guide me. I have safety in Him. I am secure. I am experiencing a joyful freedom today!

Question of the Day:

What has God been showing you or telling you what you need to act on? Pray, ask God for strength, courage, and peace, and move forward, listening to God.

Dag 8Dag 10

About this Plan

I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by Bwfwoman

This compilation of daily devotionals centers on the affirmation “I AM Clear on my Purpose” by BWFwoman. Enjoy a new opportunity to meditate on the Word of God through this series of purpose-centered devotions and “I AM” affirmations designed to help you be clear on God’s purpose for you.
