Jesus and the Craziness of ChristmasSýnishorn

Jesus and the Craziness of Christmas

DAY 2 OF 3

Christ in the crazy

In my experience, most of us either have a crazy-busy Christmas or a crazy-hard Christmas. If you’re blessed with family and friends, a good church, and a good job, then December is crazy busy with all the parties that require (1) a dish to pass, (2) a Christmas sweater, and (3) another night away from home. If you lack such blessings, your December might be crazy hard as you think about (1) the dysfunction of your family, (2) a loved one who isn’t around, or (3) the difference between your broken life and the lives of the smiling faces you see on the cards that come in the mail.

Whatever kind of crazy you’re facing, here’s some good news—Christ is in the crazy. It would have been so much easier for Jesus to stay up in heaven, far away from the dumpster fire called Earth, but he didn’t. He made his dwelling among us. Jesus could have picked some more polished people for his closest friends, but instead, he did life with Peter, James, John, and Mary, right in the middle of all their mess, their pride and anger, and demon-possessed pasts. Jesus could have easily escaped his arrest, but instead, he let others drag him into the crazy of the cross, the injustice, and the tomb.

I know Christmas—and life in general—can be crazy. Thank God that’s right where Jesus is. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14). Among us. That’s where Jesus was. That’s where Jesus still is.


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