The Glories of AltarsSýnishorn

re·pent | rəˈpent | verb
—to sorrow or be pained for sin as a violation of God's holy law and dishonor to His character and government; running to God and with His wise and loving help, turning from sin and choosing His ways
In the classic book Pilgrim’s Progress, Pilgrim sets out in search of the King and His Kingdom. All the while he is ever more aware of his miserable “weight of sin,” a burden he physically carries strapped to his back. Eventually, praise God, he makes his way up a steep incline to the foot of the cross. At the moment of his repentance and confession of faith, the straps of his burden suddenly snap, and his weight tumbles down the hill. Pilgrim is then free to continue his journey unencumbered.
Jesus’s sacrifice for our sin nature is the foundation and substance of every altar. Acts 11:18 calls this initial altar of the soul “repentance unto life.” We approach humbly, but with full confidence in the strength of His shed blood to separate our sin from our lives and make us right before our holy God. This is the beginning of the beginning of new life in Christ. In the journey that follows, Jesus also stands ready to release us from individual/daily sins as He changes us from the inside out.
I hate when I hurt other people with my sinful words, attitudes, and actions. I also hate when my motivation (that part that no sees but God) is polluted with sin. Mostly, I hate when I hurt God. When we find ourselves doing things contrary to God’s ways or failing to do what we should have done to be like Him, we can repent and be cleansed.
This altar is our first stop because it is key to all other altars. Unconfessed sin blocks channels of love: We have trouble receiving God’s love and the love of others. We have trouble loving others as ourselves. When we perceive our sinful actions or motivations, we have only to stop, repent from our hearts, and receive forgiveness to once again be free of hindrances to Love Himself.
Let Us Repent
- Approach your altar reverently.
- Wait before the Lord just as you are. He loves you.
- If you have never given your whole life to Jesus and received His whole life in return, is this your moment? Consider the cost. In this transaction your life will no longer be your own. When you are ready, accept the gift Jesus gave you by dying for your sin. Ask the Lord to forgive you and make you new—and He will deposit His Holy Spirit within you. Believe by faith you are now a child of God. If you have already made this decision, meditate on the benefits of your salvation.
- When you are ready, ask the Lord to reveal any sin that clutters the expression of love in your relationship with Him or others. I like to pray as David did, “Lord search me and know my heart… and see if there is any offensive way in me.” In this vulnerable, receptive position before God, allow Holy Spirit to gently bring to mind what He finds. This may take some time.
- Confess and repent of any sin Holy Spirit reveals. Be specific.
- Receive God’s forgiveness. I like to picture my sin being plunged into the blood of Jesus and dissolved there.
- Repentance means to turn and go in a new direction. By God’s grace and power, turn in your heart, and walk with Him in a new way.
- Ask Holy Spirit if there is any restitution He would have you extend to others, anything you could say or do to become relationally right. Then obey Him as He leads.
- Enjoy the journey free of the burden of sin.
About this Plan

Each day of this very personal Bible plan brings you once again to the altar in your soul—just you and Jesus. Over the course of fourteen days you will have God-opportunities to redirect your life, cast your burdens on the One who cares for you, and be filled anew—a different experience each day. Come be gloriously changed, receive peace, and walk free!