Scars: Beauty from AshesSýnishorn

Scars: Beauty from Ashes

DAY 3 OF 3

Scarred to Set Free

The enemy would like you to think your scars are embarrassing.

The world says scars are meant to be hidden or covered up. You may be asking, Why should I show my scars?

The best reason I know is that Jesus did. In John 20, Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, has missed seeing his Teacher alive and says he won’t believe Jesus has been raised from the dead unless and until he can see Jesus’ nail-scarred hands for himself.

So Jesus did precisely that.

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe. (John 20:27 NIV)

Thomas gets a bad rap, but he just wanted what the rest of us want: hope that there is a reason for all the hurt. Once Jesus showed Thomas his wounded places, he believed.

Jesus knew the power of showing his scars.

He knew his disciples would believe in victory beyond the grave if he revealed his wounds. They and his friends and family had watched the worst things imaginable happen to their Jesus. They saw him tortured and killed. They knew he was dead and buried.

The hope that lives in showing our scars is full of resurrection power. This hope can breathe life into the dry bones of dreams and give breath to seemingly dead destinies. Showing our damaged places helps others understand that just because we were hurt doesn’t mean we are finished.

Scars are proof of battles fought and won.

For today, instead of hiding away your scars or trying to cover them up, consider showing them to someone. Though the enemy tried to take you out, your scars prove that you are set free.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the healing you have brought to my life. Thank you that every scar is evidence of my freedom in Jesus. I know you have more healing for me. As you do your good work in healing my wounds even further, please give me bold courage to show my scars as proof of your healing hope. Help me be more like my brother Jesus and offer my scars as a testament to your glory and power. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Meredith Shafer is an author, speaker, and coach. Click here to read more of her family's story of God's grace through PTSD and addiction.

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About this Plan

Scars: Beauty from Ashes

Your scars are proof of the battles you have been through. This three-day plan will walk you through what it means to allow God to use your scars for His glory. It doesn't happen overnight, but if you let him, God can take you from broken to beautiful, damaged to your destiny, and scarred to set free.
