What Hinders Your Purpose?Sýnishorn

What Hinders Your Purpose?

DAY 5 OF 5

Conflicted Relationships

Proverbs 13:20 (ESV) says, "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

Sydney Poitier once wrote, "When you go for a walk with someone, something interesting happens unconsciously: either they adjust to your pace, or you adjust to their pace." The question is, have you adjusted to anyone's pace or who is adjusting to yours?

People who pave the way for great men may often appear as a subtext in history; however, it is difficult, if not impossible, to rise to any significant height in life or fulfill one's purpose without the influence of certain people and having right relationships with them. King David needed Jonathan to become who God had destined him to be. Apostle Paul needed Barnabas to step into his calling. Prophet Samuel needed Prophet Eli. Elisha needed Elijah and Timothy needed Apostle Paul. God's model for creation is interdependency. We all need people, but most importantly, the right people to fulfill our God's given purpose.

Not all "good" people are good or fitting for the journey of your purpose. As Abram said to Lot, you also may need to say to friends or well-intentioned relatives whose mission, concerns, and priorities are not aligned with what God has called you to do:

In Genesis 13:8 (NIV), “So Abram said to Lot, Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine, for we are close relatives... Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.”

It is not enough to build relationships around common interests; we should also build relationships around common values and purpose. Some relationships are not meant to be, and we shouldn't try to force them. God has not called you to fit in; He has called you to stand out. To successfully live out the purpose and calling of God for your life, always take time to take inventory and evaluate the influence of the people around your life.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:17 (NIV), "Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord..." The journey of your purpose will continually require "separation" and "alignment." Separation from relationships that are no longer beneficial to your purpose and alignment with the right ones.

You become more like the people you associate with; your association is a preview of your destination.

Joshua had been with Moses for forty years before he stepped in to lead the Israelites. Elisha had been with Elijah for six years before he received the mantle. Look out for people who have succeeded in what God has called you to do and follow their trail. We hardly play our role well in life without role models.

A conflicted relationship will cost you; it will distract you. It will drain you, and it will hinder your purpose. Take your relationships before the Lord. What does He say about them? Ask Him.

Dag 4

About this Plan

What Hinders Your Purpose?

God's plan is for you to live a meaningful, impactful, and purposeful life, but sometimes things get in the way. What are the things that endanger God's plan for your life? What should you look out for when your purpose is at risk? This devotional is a manifesto for a life of meaning, relevance, and significance.
