Three Sources of TemptationSýnishorn

Three Sources of Temptation

DAY 1 OF 3

Temptation of the Flesh

Snipers are an important factor in the battlefield for any army. They are a special force, trained to carry out covert operations and target the enemy from a distance. For example, British snipers were able to significantly delay the German infantry's advance during World War II. Any significant advance on the ground by a force would require them to identify the enemy sniper teams and successfully eliminate them. Failing this, they may incur much loss and causalities. Likewise, in our Christian walk, facing temptation will require us to understand the source of the temptation. St. Aquinas, theologian and philosopher, identified three sources through which the enemy attacks us. Failing to recognise them will certainly lead us to succumb to the tactics of the enemy.

The first source of temptation is the temptation of the flesh. These are the corrupt inclinations of our heart, disordered passions, as St Aquinas would call them. Now as long as we are alive, kicking, thriving and living, we will face temptations from the flesh. We are pre-disposed to it. So whether you are a believer or not, your flesh will constantly tempt you and wage war with you.

Apostle James writes - But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown, bring forth death. (James 1:14,15)

Our flesh, the carnal nature, will constantly demand for more and thus entice us to sin. For example, our screens are constantly catering to this insatiable desire of the flesh on a daily basis. Pornography is today a multi-million dollar ever-growing industry. Interestingly, the high demand for pornography over the internet is merely a reflection of our carnal nature.

So today, whether you are lured into lying, smoking, gambling, drinking, pornography or any other desires of the flesh, please know these are natural inclinations of the heart. The remedy for these natural inclinations of the heart is not to FIGHT them but to FLEE from them.

When tempted by Potiphar’s wife, Joseph runs. He does not stand and reason, but simply runs. The mistake we often make when tempted by the desires of our flesh is to stand and reason and give justification. In fact, the more we delay running away from sin, the more we are in danger of succumbing to it. David is an example here. When tempted by Bathsheba, instead of fleeing from the scene, he lingered on. And when the desires of his heart had conceived, it gave birth to sin.

What are some temptations of the flesh you must flee from today instead of fighting them?

Dag 2

About this Plan

Three Sources of Temptation

Temptation is not a new question, but rather an old question which is faced across cultures. Tackling temptation will require you to understand the source of your temptation. When one gives in to temptation things can get bad quickly. Join me to explore the 3 sources of temptations singled out by St. Thomas Aquinas as implacable enemies of the soul and develop a strategy to overcome them.
