

DAY 5 OF 14

Unforgiveness Poisons Your Supply

One day I asked the Lord, “What are the main things that hold us back from giving of our supply?” One word that rose up in my heart was “rejection,” and certainly that is very true. But then I had another thought: Even when we feel rejected, the biggest hurdle to get over is our need to forgive those who have caused us to feel that way.

Unforgiveness is the hook that allows the enemy of our soul to keep speaking destructive thoughts to our minds like, That wasn’t right. No one else has experienced that. I didn’t deserve that. That shouldn’t have happened to me. If we don’t resist those kinds of thoughts, we’ll just agree with them and end up living in the old wineskin of a victim mentality.

If you’re struggling in any way with unforgiveness, you need to deal with that root of bitterness; otherwise, it will be the wide-open door leading to a defeated life filled with feelings of rejection. And that is not God’s will for any one of us for any reason. He redeemed us so we could live victoriously!

Many times, past wounds can be so deep that the only way they can possibly be healed is by our trusting in the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. This deep work of healing and wholeness is exactly what is available to us as children of God.

But we have to recognize that we have a responsibility in this matter. We’re not victims! Jesus paid a great price all those centuries ago to set us free so that we wouldn’t live with bitterness or with thoughts like, Oh, that person owes me. People just don’t know what that person did to me!

Rejection definitely has a voice. It can scream at you! But forgiveness has agreater voice.

Journal Prompt

Has unforgiveness opened the door to bitterness in your life? Have you struggled with a victim mentality? In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more? Spend some time answering these questions honestly and surrender to the Lord the things that weigh you down.

Memory Verse

From whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. — Ephesians 4:16 (NKJV)

Dag 4Dag 6

About this Plan


Have you struggled to know what you have of value to offer as your part in God’s great plan? Ephesians 4:16 says you are a joint that supplies. You have a unique supply, and your gifts are needed in the Body of Christ! In this inspiring 14-day plan, Denise Renner will help you push past the obstacles that are holding you back from being unstoppable for the Kingdom of God.
