Light ForwardSýnishorn

Light Forward

DAY 4 OF 4

Ephesians 5:15-17 “So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.”

Start by paying close attention to how you conduct yourself. Then, discern what is right and act upon it. The third thing is, we must steward our time with great caution and intentionality.

We have to be intentional with stewarding our time because time is a gift. Your time is a resource that cannot be reproduced, duplicated, or created. So we have to see ourselves as stewards of this gift. A steward is like a servant. A steward is accountable. We have to steward our time and be accountable for our time, with great caution and intentionality. The Scripture says, "make the most of every opportunity". Why? Because the days are evil.

You sit beside someone who is far from God, someone who does not know who Jesus is. You know that whatever happens, you have eternity with God waiting for you. So what happens to that person? You need to make the most of that opportunity, to talk to the person about Jesus. An opportunity opens for you in business, seize it, and make the most of the opportunity.

Steward your time with great caution and intentionality. One of the dangers of lighting forward and making progress in life isn't taking the wrong turn. Rather, the danger it is drifting from the right course. To drift is to move slightly off course and, because of how gradual drifting is when it starts everything appears fine. But, as time progresses, the drift becomes more and more apparent. You have to steward your time with great caution and intentionality. The fact that anybody can drift is something that should make everyone cautious. Drifting is about needing realignment. We all have personal drifts; it is important to know how to overcome them.

We overcome drifting with accountability. There should be people in your life that can say to you, "This is where we said we were going." This is why you should tell people (if you are married, your spouse) where God is taking you as a person (or as a family), so that when you want to drift, because of the pressures of life, you can have someone to re-align you. Drifting is very, very subtle, and you need people in your life that can lovingly set you straight.

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