Today Is Going to Be a Good DaySýnishorn

Today Is Going to Be a Good Day

DAY 6 OF 7

Today is going to be a good day because even though we might be tempted to be worried, anxious, afraid, or discouraged on a daily basis, God gives us the perfect reasons not to give in to the compelling temptation.

God is always with us—we do not fight this daily battle alone, even when we feel lonely. He is our God, and he gets angry when the enemy tempts his children.

Worry, fear, and anxiety are a misappropriation of our attentional resources, focusing our attention on our problems instead of on the problem solver.

God promises that he is our source of strength when we feel weak and inadequate. He wants to be our ready help when we feel helpless and defenseless—he already has a plan for taking us to the other side of our mountains of difficulty. And he promises to hold us up with his victorious right hand—that means we have already won the battle.

When my husband and I were expecting our second child, we were eager with anticipation. We longed to have a sibling for our son and looked forward to completing our family. I took care of myself and did “all the things” recommended by my OB/GYN.

Halfway through the pregnancy, I went to a routine checkup to monitor the baby’s growth and our mutual well-being. The technician completed a routine sonogram and then quietly exited the room after informing me the doctor would be in momentarily.

When the doctor walked in, he was void of his normal jovial chit-chat and went straight about performing another sonogram. “Hon, I’m afraid you’re losing this baby. We’ll get you in for a higher-level sonogram in the morning to be sure. I’m so sorry.”

In a matter of just a few minutes, our emotions roller-coastered from elation to devastation. We lost the baby without any explanation why. In the days, weeks, and months that followed, we grieved and had to put our trust in God that he not only could but would work all things together for our good even when we didn’t understand. And we had to allow him to be our strength when we had none.

Our grief and our pain weren’t erased, but our appreciation for life grew exponentially, and our compassion toward others who were suffering skyrocketed. Our dependence on God deepened, as did our trust in hard times.

Will you put your trust in him today instead of the situations that tempt you into fear?

Father, thank you that you love your children so much that you never leave us. You promise to remain our God, strengthen us, and uphold us when the burdens of life feel too heavy to carry. Help us to remember that fear is a misappropriation of our trust, and that we will never be disappointed when we choose to put our trust in you and you alone. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

Today Is Going to Be a Good Day

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by job frustrations, difficult relationships, fluctuating health, or emotional upheaval? Dr. Michelle Bengtson invites us to stand on the promises of God this week and live each day with the assurance that God made today good. Despite our circumstances, we have a new opportunity each morning to make today good.
