The Shift: Becoming a Woman Who Moves When God MovesSýnishorn

The Shift: Becoming a Woman Who Moves When God Moves

DAY 7 OF 10

I grew up with “old-school” parents. Parents who expected you to eat whatever they put in front of you, parents who could—with one look—stop you in your tracks. They expected you to do what was right, whether or not they were looking, and if you had to be disciplined, they would send you to your room afterward and tell you to "stop all the crying" and “go lay down.”

Over the course of your process, you may have found yourself putting out an extreme effort to make progress. You may have been trying so hard to make your dreams happen. We can see another key insight in God’s pattern, an insight every wise woman implements with ease…REST.

Rest is defined as peace, ease, and refreshment, and it’s a mandate from God. Is it time for you to stop trying and start resting? If so, tell yourself out loud—“go lay down.”

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’” Matthew 11:28-30

It’s time for some of us to "go lay down." You may fall into the category of “some of us” if you’ve been:

  • Working so hard you can’t remember the last time you got a full night of rest
  • Trying to make things happen but feel like you’re pushing against an immovable wall
  • Worrying so much that you wake up with worry as the first thing on your mind

Matthew 11:28-30 reveals a command from God. He is specifically instructing us to rest, and to not do so is to move in disobedience to His word. Every instruction God gives you is not meant to limit you but expand you. God can bless you when you choose obedience. Obedience is a display of wisdom.

“If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.” Deuteronomy 28:1

We obey God when we stop carrying our burdens and start carrying His. Below are a few ways you can immediately increase your rest:

  • STOP focusing on the impossibilities, and START focusing on the abundant possibilities
  • STOP speaking negatively about your life in every way, and START speaking words that agree with what God said
  • STOP trying to fill the silence and emptiness with busywork, and START learning to sit in the silence and allow Him to fill the space
  • STOP talking, complaining, and comparing, and START listening, praising, and celebrating

Your rest begins with the first three words of our scripture in Matthew, as Jesus says, “Come to Me.” Simply make your next step a step towards Him. Come to Him today, and He will give you rest for your body, mind, and soul.

Today’s Affirmation:

Peace rests in your mind and heart today. The rest you need, you now have access to. God has removed it all from your shoulders, and you can rest in the loving arms of your Father right now. When you rise, you are strengthened, stronger, and more clear. You realize you have everything you need in Him. He is making a way that you perceive now. It is a way just for you. God cherishes you.

Question of the Day:

Name one word or thought you’re going to stop, and declare what word or thought will replace it.

Dag 6Dag 8

About this Plan

The Shift: Becoming a Woman Who Moves When God Moves

We know that God’s Word cannot return void, but how do we ensure that we don’t miss our moment? Through this manifestHERdaily teaching series by BWFwoman, learn to become a woman who moves when God moves. Start your day powerfully and gain hope and belief by refocusing on Christ and meditating on the Word of God.
