

DAY 1 OF 5

James, the brother of Jesus, said in one of his letters that none of us knows what will happen tomorrow. He said our lives are like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. I have seen this happen, and you have too. My favorite time to write and reflect is in the early morning. The dew is on the grass, and often there’s a hint of fog in the air that collected overnight. Then each morning the dew melts away, the fog lifts, and the day begins. Taking good notes is a life hack for keeping your experiences and potential revelations from evaporating before your very eyes. The trick is to write down what you learn on the adventure so it doesn’t go missing later.

There are twenty-five hundred creatures on earth known as “one-day insects.” By contrast, one of the longest-living animals on earth is a type of deep-sea sponge that could be more than eleven thousand years old. If we lived that long, we would probably look like a bunch of sponges too. Most people are living like one-day insects, but we need to be a little more spongy by doing things that will last. I will say, though, don’t throw shade at the one-day insects either. It’d be good to borrow some of their worldview because, like James said, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

There is even one species of jellyfish that doesn’t technically die at all. Get this: As soon as this kind of jellyfish gets really old, it reverts back to being a young jellyfish so it can grow up all over again. I want to be that kind of person, but holding on to the wisdom I’ve collected while returning to a childlike faith. . . . I want to pair the wisdom I gather over time with a greater accumulation of a childlike faith. How about you? If you’re on board with this kind of life approach, what could you do to find your way back to a more innocent, engaged, and less distracted version of yourself?

Here’s a truth you can take to the bank no matter how long you live: The clarity of purpose, undistracted energy, selfless love, and unselfish pursuits you bring to the world will be your legacy. Everything else will look like a distraction by comparison.


Father, please help me to be undistracted as I pursue Your purpose for me. Amen.

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