Jesus…at Home in Your HeartSýnishorn

Jesus…at Home in Your Heart

DAY 1 OF 6

Jesus had just reached the peak of the greatest sermon He had ever preached. It was a Mount Everest moment in the lives of the people who were listening to the voice of Christ as He taught about eternity past and eternity yet to come. The crowd eagerly anticipated the words of the one whom they lovingly called “Teacher.” Jesus was an expert both in wisdom and Scriptures. He had been taught the Scriptures since He was a young boy running through the dusty streets of Nazareth.

He was also an expert in life. A carpenter and the son of a carpenter, Jesus had probably built many homes by the time He was 30 years old. When He spoke of foundations, He knew their importance in a practical sense. He wasn’t merely spouting intangible word pictures, but He was teaching from His very own life experience.

Palestine had many gullies that were pleasant, shaded little hollows in the summertime, but filled with rushing torrents of vicious water in the winter months. If a builder were shortsighted, he would lay the foundation in the riverbed and think it suitable. In winter, this masterpiece of first-century architecture would disintegrate like sugar in water. The wise man, conversely, searched for sustainable and immovable rock. The long-sighted builder traveled far and wide, looking for a strong, stable, never-changing place on which to lay the foundation.

Where have you laid the foundation of your life…in the sand or perhaps smack in the middle of the river gully? Have you built your life on cultural expectations or on recreation and entertainment? The only sure foundation is Christ Jesus. Have you built your life upon Him?

Heart Inspection:

What does it mean to you personally to build your life on the sand?

What does it mean to you personally to build your life on the rock?

What is to be gained by building your life on the Rock of Jesus Christ?

Heartfelt Prayer:

Lord Jesus, I come to You today knowing that I have often built my life on temporary pleasure rather than on the security and stability of all that You are. Today, Lord, I choose to begin again. I choose to build my life on Your hope, on the salvation that comes only from You, and on Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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About this Plan

Jesus…at Home in Your Heart

Your home is not your physical address. Your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. As a Christian, it’s the most sacred part of your life, where Christ lovingly resides. Contentment is found when Jesus fully occupies every room and holds the keys to your heart. Join me on a journey to transform your heart into a home of comfort, stability, and peace. At home with Him!
