Maximized ManhoodSýnishorn

Maximized Manhood

DAY 3 OF 7


[preest] noun a person whose office it is to perform religious rites, and especially to make sacrificial offerings

God revealed to me several years ago that being the head of my household does not only include being the protector and provider, it also includes being the priest of my home. I have to be transparent with you—assuming the role of a priest seemed a bit intimidating to me at first, until I got more revelation and insight as to what it really meant for me to be the priest of my home. The role of a priest in Old Testament biblical times was to bring offerings and sacrifices to God on behalf of the people to atone for their sins, because God had not yet sent His Son Jesus who is the ultimate sacrifice for the sin for all mankind. Interceding on behalf of your family should be a top priority for every man who is a believer.

As the priest of your home, it is your duty to stand in the gap for your family, offering praise and thanksgiving to God on your family’s behalf. No, you can’t live their lives for them or make decisions for them. They have to develop their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but you can still intercede in prayer for them and offer a listening ear to them when they need someone to talk to.

I thank God for my pastor and spiritual father, Apostle Ron Venters, Sr., who played a significant role in teaching me what it looks like to be a husband, father and man of integrity. As men of God, we must be the leaders of worship in our household. That’s why it’s so important for men to be present in the home. The world is in dire need of men who show up and are present. The fad of the absentee Dad is outdated, and it’s time for us to change the narrative of what it is to be men who embrace being good husbands and fathers, and be actively involved in the betterment of the family unit. I admit, I was not always present in my home. Although I was there physically, my mind and emotions were absent and my family suffered as a result of it. It wasn’t until I embraced my role as the priest of my home and developed a consistent prayer life with God that things began to shift. God opened new doors and my family experienced new realms of blessing and favor like never before.

Man of God, when you begin to align your will with God’s will, there is no devil in hell that can stop you from walking in your priestly anointing. What a privilege and honor it is to go to the Most High on behalf of my family and to intercede for them. When I am in right standing with God, taking time daily to meditate on His word and submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I can go to God with full confidence that He hears my prayers and will provide everything I need to succeed.

Call To Action: Stand in the gap for your family today. Go to God on their behalf and ask God to forgive any sin or wrongdoing they may have committed throughout the week. Minimize distractions. Turn off the television, get off social media for a while and put your cell phone on silent for a designated time, so that you can have communion with God.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus into the world to redeem us from the shackles of sin and destruction. Thank You for being the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we may have eternal life in You. Thank You for the blood that was shed on the cross and for laying down Your life which now gives us direct access to You. Lead us by Your Holy Spirit and teach us to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Maximized Manhood

If there ever was a time for men to show up and rewrite the narrative of what it means to be a man of integrity, a good husband and a better father, that time is now. The fad of the absentee Dad is outdated, and we as men have to step up to the plate and be the fathers, husbands and leaders God has called us to be.
