5 Gifts Jesus Secured on the Cross by David MathisSýnishorn

5 Gifts Jesus Secured on the Cross by David Mathis

DAY 5 OF 5

Gift 5: Pacification

To Make Peace with God Himself

Finally, in Christ, God reconciles his people “to himself … making peace by the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:19-20). That Jesus shed his blood on the cross has been implicit in each instance, but here Paul makes it plain. It is “the blood of his cross” that makes peace between God and humans. He made peace by means of history’s most notorious instrument of torture and execution.

Jesus did not shed his blood by accident.

Tragic as his death was, it was deliberate and voluntary. He spilled his blood on purpose at the cross. At bottom, his life was not taken; he gave it. In doing so, he absorbed the righteous wrath of God against our sin, granted us his full legal acceptance, purchased our true freedom, restored our most important relationship, and made peace for us with God himself.

This is how, as Paul says elsewhere, he secured “the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (Acts 20:28).

Reflection Question

What about Jesus making peace for us through a “notorious instrument of torture and execution” strikes you? How can you respond to the gifts he has given you, at great cost, through the cross?

We thank Desiring God and The Good Book Company for this gospel-centered Bible reading plan. If you enjoyed these reflections, we recommend reading the devotional this plan is excerpted from. Grab a copy of Rich Wounds by David Mathis wherever books are sold, including https://www.thegoodbook.com/rich-wounds.

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About this Plan

5 Gifts Jesus Secured on the Cross by David Mathis

Christians of all stripes affirm that there is indeed power in the blood of Jesus. But have you ever paused to ask how? Is it magic blood? How do we explain this power? This 5-Day Plan will look at 5 unique gifts Jesus secured for Christians when he gave his life for us on the cross.
