Blessed Before Breakfast: Meeting God Early in the MorningSýnishorn

Blessed Before Breakfast: Meeting God Early in the Morning

DAY 1 OF 5

God's Agenda

You’ve been there before, we’ve all been there. That alarm clock goes off and you roll over almost slinging your arm using your body weight to get your fingers on that snooze button. You want that all-familiar, but not very pleasant sound to stop so you can sleep a little more.

If that’s been you, but your desire is to create an intentional habit of waking up early in the morning to spend time with God, then the next five days will help you.

I’m going to encourage you with five biblical examples of the power of waking early in the morning to meet with God as well as five prayers to equip you. 

They say, “the early bird gets the worm,” well in the case of believers, “the early bird gets the Word (of God).

Let’s start with Jesus, who, as described in Mark 1:35, modeled this intentional process of spending time with God early in the morning. 

This particular morning comes after a day when Jesus spent the day teaching in the church, healed a demon-possessed man while He was there, then went to Simon and Andrew’s house where He healed Simon’s mother-in-law. 

But He wasn’t done. As word got out, people began bringing sick and demon-possessed people to Him to be healed. Verse 33 says, “the whole town was assembled at the door.” 

So, the morning after practically healing the whole town, Jesus pressed through by waking up early to spend intentional time with God.

It had to be exhausting after a day like that serving so many people. You’d think He'd “earned” a morning to sleep late right? 

So, what would make Jesus get up “while it was still dark?

I can’t tell you His exact reason why, but I can share the benefits that resulted. 

After an amazing day like that, people were looking for Jesus. They wanted Him to perform more miracles, but He needed to preach in nearby villages. 

Getting up early and spending time with God allowed His soul and body to be refreshed, equipping Him to do God’s will for the day!

Waking early allowed Jesus to stay on course and walk in His purpose instead of being pulled by other people’s agendas. 

If you want to be refreshed each morning, and head into the day walking in God’s purpose and will for you, then doing what Jesus did is the best way to allow this to happen.

Today's Prayer

Lord, let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love. I put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go today, and equip me to go there.

Now that Jesus has shown us how meeting with God early in the morning will help us line up our agenda with His, tomorrow we'll learn how we should respond.

Dag 2

About this Plan

Blessed Before Breakfast: Meeting God Early in the Morning

Is your desire to create an intentional habit of waking up early in the morning to spend time with God? Scripture is filled with examples of people who had this discipline and were given hope, direction, and power. In this five-day Bible plan, you'll be encouraged and equipped through five biblical examples of the power of waking early in the morning to meet with God.
