Jesus Is the Perfect GiftSýnishorn

Jesus Is the Perfect Gift

DAY 3 OF 3


Christians are called to be witnesses of Jesus. You can share Jesus and His gift of salvation with others by sharing your faith in Jesus. Genuine faith is more than just believing in Jesus alone. It includes acting on that faith in your life by serving God and obeying His commandments. People living in spiritual darkness need to hear about Jesus' offering of forgiveness and salvation. Will you be the one to tell them?

Try to meet people where they are in their spiritual journey when you witness. By that, I mean sharing the good news of Jesus by testifying to what you have seen, heard, or experienced. Include God's word found in the Bible. Scripture tells that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. He is the resurrection and the life, and all who believe in Him will live, even though they die. 

Romans 10:9-10 NIV states, If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Here is a simple Salvation prayer you can say and share with others: 

"Dear Heavenly Father, 
I come to you knowing that I am a sinner. For this, I am truly sorry and ask for your forgiveness. I will turn from my sinful ways, confess my sins to you and repent. Please forgive me and help me to avoid sinning again. 
I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins on the cross, was resurrected from the dead, and is alive. I invite Jesus into my heart to become my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I pray that you'll send me the Holy Spirit to help guide and teach me your ways forever. In Jesus' holy name, I pray, Amen."

God's gift of Jesus and Jesus' gifts of forgiveness of sins and eternal life through salvation are life-changing and perfect gifts. Accept these gifts and share them, and let your love for Jesus overflow this Christmas and always. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you express Jesus' life and power through you so others will come to know Him and accept Jesus as their Savior as well. 

The Wiedmann Bible team wishes you and your family a truly blessed and joyous Christmas. Celebrate the birth of your Savior! 

All illustrations in this plan are from the Wiedmann Bible. The Wiedmann Bible is a compilation of 3,333 hand-painted images of the Old and New Testament by German Artist Willy Wiedmann. For more information about the artist and the incredible story behind the Wiedmann Bible, please visit our website at You can also visit our Raleigh, North Carolina Foundation at 

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About this Plan

Jesus Is the Perfect Gift

Are you looking for the perfect gift this Christmas? Is it expensive, rare, mysterious, and hard to find? What if I told you that the perfect gift is available now, to everyone, everywhere, and is free? It's not only free, but it frees you from condemnation, separation from God, and eternal death. Learn more about God's perfect gift to you, and unwrap all Jesus has for you today!
