Keep GoingSýnishorn

Keep Going

DAY 4 OF 6

As A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Who we think God is, changes everything. It changes us.

While the judge was unjust, our God is righteous. While the judge answered the woman in order to not be pestered, God answers us for His glory and our good. His heart is for justice because He is just. He is in the business of redemption. And God is always working to restore us from shame to honor. That’s why God sent His son Jesus. Our advocate. Our intercessor. Our Savior. Christ’s sacrifice allows us to boldly approach the throne of grace. In turn, God won’t dismiss us. Rather, God joyfully stoops low to care for us. Thus, we can go to God not just with confidence, but in freedom. We won't ever leave His presence in lack but overflowing with His power and strength.

The Bible is brimming with examples of God’s love for us. It illustrates the abundance of compassion and kindness that He has for us. It doesn’t ever run dry. He doesn't ever grow tired of our coming. We can show up a million more times and He won't turn away from us.

It makes you wonder, what might our lives look like if we knew God as good and faithful? If we didn't just know it but believed it? 

I expect we’d come to a few conclusions. First, weariness would no longer be an option. Since we’d willingly let God set our pace, we’d be less likely to lose steam. We’d know that resting is not quitting and that rather, it’s trusting God’s timing is best. We’d get our strength from who God is instead of how capable or qualified we are. In response, our endurance would grow. We’d see that surrendering our lives allows God to sustain them. There’s no fancy checklist for this. Like the persistent woman, it’s all about showing up. Isn’t that such a relief? We bring our baggage and lay it down. Then, God gives us something in return. Himself. As sons and daughters of the living God, there is nothing standing in the way of us. 


When I was quite young, my biological dad abandoned me. Years later, I realized it damaged the way I saw God. It impacted the risks I was willing to take and it compelled me to work harder than I ever had before. I wanted to prove myself. But that wasn’t always sustainable or possible. I pushed God away because it was easier to distrust anyone who could potentially disappoint me. That’s what happens when you think the only defense you have is yourself. In the meantime, weariness abounded. I wasn’t ever going to be enough. I know that we can easily allow deep wounds from relationships and even the Body of Christ to change how we see God. But, we don’t have to stay broken. We don’t have to base who God is on who people fail to be. God is better than we think. May we have the courage to believe that. 

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Keep Going

Does it ever seem like everything and everyone is against you? No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to catch a break. You aren't the only one. In this guide, we'll learn how to practice persistence in the face of resistance. When we're desperate to give up, we'll discover what it takes to keep going — no matter what.
