Prayers For Unity In Your MarriageSýnishorn

Prayers For Unity In Your Marriage

DAY 6 OF 6

The Sword of the Spirit

Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus. Romans 15:5 NASB

“Satan spends most of his time trying to divide couples in their marriage. He does this because he knows that God’s power and glory are both accessed and magnified through unity.”  Tony Evans

Lord, Jesus spoke these words, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand,” (Matthew 12:25). I take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and rebuke any attempt to bring about or continue disunity in my marriage. A house divided against itself will not stand, so I refuse to accept and remain in a disunified state of mind with my spouse. Father God, bring our hearts, minds and our spirits together where we have disunity. Your Word says we are to “pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another,” (Romans 14:19). You have made it clear. We as spouses are to seek, to say and do things that build each other up in You.

Give us insight and wisdom for how to do that. I don’t always know what is going to build up my spouse in You. I may think it is one thing when it is actually something different which will be impactful toward that end. So Lord please help my mind to be in tune to say and do the things which will truly build my spouse up in You. Whether it’s the words I text, speak or whatever I do that involves my spouse, let it be something prompted by You in order to build us up and to unify us as a couple under You. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Did you enjoy these prayers? We would like to offer you a sermon download from Tony Evans so you can learn more about what God has to say on family. It's. called the "Portrait of a Christian Family" and you can download it easily at this link. 


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About this Plan

Prayers For Unity In Your Marriage

One of the greatest desires of married couples is unity. Ironically, it also proves to be quite elusive. Often, when differences of opinion creep in, the results lead to conflict, frustration and resentment. How should a couple pray in these situations? In our six-day campaign, Prayers for Unity in Your Marriage, couples will be able to claim oneness in their marriages, praying the truth of Scripture as they do. Each prayer resembles one component of the full armor of God, designed to equip husbands and wives with unity. For further help, Tony’s book, Kingdom Marriage fully explores the biblical foundation for marriage and gives couples the tools they need to foster healthy relationships.
