ThanksLiving: A Thanksgiving Reading PlanSýnishorn

Defining Thanksgiving
One general definition of thanksgiving is “a conscious joyful emotion toward unearned blessing.” Christian thanksgiving will extend that general definition into “an awareness and expression of personal dependence on the ultimate Giver of all good things.” Thanksgiving should be intentional. It will not always come naturally. However, as a Christian continually acknowledges all unearned favor and practices a posture of gratitude, thanksgiving can become a virtuous habit in the Christian’s life.
Living Thanksgiving
Giving is an active word, whether you are giving gifts or giving thanks. My wife and I once took a Spanish class for beginners. The teacher was explaining how to greet people on special days (e.g., Feliz Navidad on Christmas Day) when one student asked about “Happy Thanksgiving.” The teacher reminded him that Thanksgiving is a North American holiday, so there is no stock phrase. However, he said if you wanted to wish somebody a happy Thanksgiving Day in Spanish, you would say “Feliz día de Acción de Gracias!” Roughly translated, it reads, “Happiness on the day of the action of thanking!” The class became dismayed at the complexity of the language.
Indeed, that’s a wordy greeting. But notice the emphasis on action. We intuitively know that thanksgiving is an action, not just a day dedicated to family, food, and football. Instead, it spills over into a way of life.
A lifestyle of thanksgiving includes thanksfeeling, thankssaying, and thanksdoing. We will look at what the Bible has to say about each of these in the next few days.
About this Plan

This Thanksgiving season, spend seven days reflecting on your dependence upon the Giver of life and all blessings. Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, will guide your study and offer pastoral insights on how gratitude should spill over into a way of life. Let’s thank God for all we have and trust Him for all we need.