Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Jesus And The FishermenSýnishorn

Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Jesus And The Fishermen

DAY 4 OF 5


Effectively, Jesus headhunted his disciples. However, there were no interviews, no high-level talks, no negotiations behind closed doors and no re-working of contracts or job descriptions. There was just a simple invitation. Oh, and by the way, there was no salary either.

What of these men Jesus chose in the first instance? Fishermen were not necessarily an obvious choice, but they were people who would stick with Jesus, learn from him and eventually take the good news about him into the world. They were people through whom God would work in amazing ways.

Whatever we can or can’t do, whoever we are, Jesus extends his invitation to us too. We may feel we are just ordinary folk. The disciples were ordinary folk. Just like us really.


Together, try writing an acrostic poem (each line begins with a letter of a word or phrase) about this story. Here’s one as an example, using the phrase ‘FOLLOW HIM’:

Follow him,

Only King,

Lord of every

Living thing.

Only Son of God is He.

Who can this great Savior be?

He is Jesus! Give him Praise!

I will follow him all

My days!


Listen to the sounds of the sea as you pray. You probably won’t be able to walk along a shore, but a quick Web search will find wave soundscapes. Listen and imagine the events of the story. Share your feelings with God – and with each other, if you wish.


Switch on your game device, go to the Spire and select the Bible Quest ‘Jesus and the Fishermen’ (tap the ‘game-controller’ icon).

Have you completed all three chapters? If so, you might like to replay, to make sure you have achieved all the ‘stars’ in each chapter.

Time now to explore more about the Bible story. If you were there in Capernaum on that day, who would you have been? Take a Personality Quiz to find out (tap on the ‘?’ button at the Spire). Compare answers as a family.

At the Bible Timeline (tap on the ‘open book’ button at the Spire) you will find prompts to help you think about what this story means to you. Tap on one of the ‘thought bubbles’ to go to the Creative Hub and make your own response to the story and to God.

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Jesus And The Fishermen

This five-day family devotional focuses on Jesus inviting four fishermen to become his first disciples, with the option to play the compelling free biblical game app Guardians of Ancora. Each day, as you read the Bible and talk with God, you will be encouraged to explore this exciting way to meet with God and discover stories about Jesus. Enjoy sharing your adventures and the meaning of what you discover.
