Praying for MiracleSýnishorn

Praying for Miracle

DAY 2 OF 3



We need to know and understand who our God is if we want to have a strong faith.  We need to know that God has designed our life to trust Him.  Every situation can be changed by faith, even though the person is bounded by something, he can be set free. With even one word from God, a nation can be changed.  The word of God is truly for us. The Word of God is everlasting. We can access the eternal Word of God by faith. And by faith we can be born again and receive eternal salvation.  Man cannot live by bread alone, by the living bread, the word of God that comes out from God.  The Word of God is food to our faith.  Romans 10:17 says: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

In John 6:9 we read the story of Jesus fed five thousand peoples with five loaves of bread and 2 fishes. What do you think about it? We might think that the bread and fish were all big in size. Do you know who actually brought those five loaves of bread and two fish? A young kid brought it. And of course. a,young kid could not bring big fish or bread.

Nothing is impossible for God. We have a great God, His mighty deeds in the past will continue forever. His grace, love, and strength are unlimited. Amen. 



1. A Heart that Desire God

- Do we believe that we can encounter God?  If we believe then we need to have a thirst and hunger after God. The desire that arises from our heart to encounter God will make our faith arise. The desire to encounter God will cause God to do a miracle for us. Without the desire to encounter God, we cannot get anything. 

- Therefore if our desire for God lately has decreased maybe because we were disappointed in God, we have to repent and ask forgiveness from God. He is merciful and full of love. 

- What do we want when we pray? Believe that God will give it and we shall receive it. But above all, desire God more than what we ask from Him. This is a simple faith, that we only desire God more than anything. 

- If we love God wholeheartedly, we will desire to encounter God always. Similar to a loving couple who long to meet one another. Is not Christ the symbol of a bridegroom and we His church symbolize the bride? Our fellowship with God will change us, transform our lives and bring us to the perfect love and perfect faith.

2.  Believe that you have received it (Mark 11:24)

- Doubt is the enemy of belief.  If we have a good relationship with God then we will have a firm heart, which means no doubt in our heart. 

- Believe means to receive the answered prayer with faith. Even maybe we cannot see the answer yet with our physical eyes but faith says to us that we HAVE RECEIVED it.   

- How to receive with faith? 

Indeed our natural being is difficult to receive supernatural things.  We need to have an intimate relationship with God in order to be able to experience supernatural things. When we have an intimate relationship with God, we will be filled with The Holy Spirit.  When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our faith shall rise, and we will get the revelation from God.  He is God who hears us, and we receive the answer to our prayer with faith. 

- What is the main thing God gives us to answer our prayer?  God gives us everything we need in life and guidance to live in holiness.

Let us believe and receive that: God has touched us, strengthened us, healed us, gave us His peace and grace and God has prepared everything we need. 

3. A pure heart (Psalm 24:3-5)

- Everything in our lives comes from our heart or our mind.  That’s why God sees our hearts.  Man looks at the outer appearance but God sees the inside of man’s heart.

- Therefore we need to purify our heart so that it won’t cause hindrances to our prayer. Isaiah 59: 2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear.

- If we keep our anger or hatred to someone, we need to settle it as soon as possible before we come to seek God.  Mark 11: 25-26 If we harden our heart not to forgive then all of our offerings will be useless.

- When our heart is clean, God’s love will be poured abundantly in our heart, restoration happens and our faith will grow stronger, and we are ready to receive blessings and the answer of our prayer from God.


Let us build an intimate relationship with God in order to have a strong faith. Spend more time to come to His presence, to read, and to meditate the word of God.  Keeping our heart pure before God. Believe that God is able to do exceedingly than what we think. 

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20)

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