Honoring God in Your Home as a Working MomSýnishorn

Honoring God in Your Home as a Working Mom

DAY 4 OF 4

The Mission of Work

It’s easy to think working is a means to an end. In our economy, that may be true. But in God’s economy, work has much more to do with eternal souls than a paycheck to make ends meet or saving for that next vacation. God calls us to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). Our co-workers and employees are watching us. While we may not be permitted to share the gospel at work, we can demonstrate the power of the gospel through our work ethic, integrity, character, and performance.

Sometimes, you’ll see your peers talking about other co-workers behind their backs. Maybe you see them sitting on the clock while scrolling through Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. You may even see consistent poor performance. While these things may be common from your secular co-workers, Christians are commanded to live counterculture. That’s why we must be mission-minded, and remember, our work is always about Christ and His kingdom. Colossians 3:23 reinforces this truth, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people.”

God has placed you in your current position for a specific purpose—to reach souls. Would Christ be honored or dishonored by your work performance or behavior? We are His ambassadors and must remember that God comes with us to our meetings, lunchroom, email, and Slack channel.

When you’re tempted to check your social media while on the clock, pray to God for strength to glorify His name by withstanding the temptation and not giving in. While it may not seem like anyone is watching, you would be surprised with the technology companies have these days that allow them to monitor employee productivity unbeknownst to the employee. As a manager, I personally use some of these tools to monitor my own team. Not to mention, God is watching, and is the main One we’re trying to please. Don't let that snarky co-worker email tempt you to respond back with an ungodly response. Instead, practice Colossians 4:6, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."

God gives us the opportunity to glorify Him all throughout the workday. Make it your number one job to stand out and shine for Christ in your work, and you will see the fruit of your labor and obedience. “But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is a reward for your work.” (2 Chron. 15:7)

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About this Plan

Honoring God in Your Home as a Working Mom

Moms are constantly trying to do all the things while keeping themselves from losing their minds. Often, the things that matter most fall by the wayside. That adds up to a lot of pressure, stress, and mom guilt that threatens to steal your joy. This 4-day devotional will show you how to glorify God in your home while working so you can experience the peace and joy that God designed.
