How to Shape Your WorldSýnishorn

How to Shape Your World

DAY 3 OF 5

You (Yes, You!) Can Create

Okay, it’s day three of this Bible Plan, and things are about to take a turn. Get ready. 

We talked about how God created the world out of nothing! That’s the ultimate of creativity. It’s kind of impossible for people to do. Right? 


God made us to be creative, too! In fact, that’s pretty much the whole point of this Bible Plan.

Creativity is possible for every single person. It’s not just for artists. It’s for mathematicians, scientists, athletes, and every other person you can think of. 

Then why do so many struggle to view themselves as “creative”? Well, people can be pretty creative with coming up with excuses for why they can’t be creative! Watch this video for more on that. 

Being creative isn’t about doing something that dazzles everyone so you can brag about it. No! Creativity is given to us to help us sort through messes and fix things like God does. It’s so that we can use our minds to think of new ways to serve and worship God. He has good things planned for us—and we get to use creativity to do what pleases Him. 

No more letting negativity, fear of the unknown, or comparison make you wasteful of your gifts. Use your creative mind and actions to think of ways to share God’s goodness, order, and light. Every time you use your creativity to shape the world, you’re doing what God made you to do.

Ask yourself: If I could do just one thing to somehow make my world better in God’s eyes, what would it be? (Don’t limit yourself! Maybe it’s building a hospital, maybe it’s helping others sort through their problems and find peace, maybe it’s cleaning up an abandoned section of your city, maybe it’s teaching others something God wants them to know.)

Challenge yourself: Put your creative abilities to work this week. Think of one step you can take toward shaping your world for God’s good. Just one step. And take that step this week! (Hint: If you have no idea where to start, do a creative brainstorm for ideas with a trusted adult!) 

Pray: God, thank You for helping me to care about myself, others, and the world You created. Help me to find creative ways to help reshape anything that’s out of place. You’re amazing at reshaping and restoring things that are broken. Help me to think and act like You do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

How to Shape Your World

God shaped the world when He created it. And He said it was good. So, why isn’t it all still good? And what can be done about it? This Bible Plan will teach you how to use the creativity God gave you to do what pleases Christ. In other words, it’ll teach you how to creatively partner with God to restore and reshape your own corner of the world!
