Stretched Out: Finding Rest in His PresenceSýnishorn

Stretched Out: Finding Rest in His Presence

DAY 5 OF 5

Stretched Out!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the LORD, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads. Joshua 7:6

During this last year, we have all experienced on some level, the feeling of being either stretched or stressed. With the pandemic that attempted to engulf the planet, with the fear, and anxiety that came along with it, many found themselves in positions of extreme stress that caused side effects that clearly were not from God. Suffering from things like migraines, feelings of anxiety, heart struggles, so many began looking for a way out of the extra weighted burden. This was stress, not the stretching that God does so well in His children.

You see, when God stretches His children, there is an end goal that He has in mind for us. In Jeremiah 29:11, it says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". It's interesting that the definition for "stretch" is "to extend, or make something elastic, or more pliable". When God stretches us, He is literally helping us to be more elastic and pliable to His touch. He is helping us to become more of an extension of Himself, and to become the FULL-LENGTH selves that He created us to be. In surrendering to the "stretch", we are positioned by our loving Father God to become all that we can be! Wow!

But, when we are being STRESSED, by the cares of the world, and the enemy's plots and plans against our lives, there are different sets of standards, feelings, and rules that also have an expected outcome. And that outcome is to stop us in our tracks and not have the purposes and plans come to fruition in our lives. 

Lastly, and most important is this; Whether we are in the "stretched place" or the "stressed place", We can, like we see Joshua did as he fell facedown and lay prostrate before the Lord for hours, do the same in the time of need and find rest. This is another level of SUBMITTING TO THE STRETCH, that I call being "STRETCHED OUT" in His presence.  I spoke about being prostrate in the previous days, basking in His presence, and receiving the rest that we so desperately need. It applies here too. In the midst of the anxiety-filled days and the sleepless nights, and the fear that seems to be everywhere, "STRETCH OUT" in the presence of the Lord, and even while the enemy is trying to stress you out, "STRETCH OUT", at days end, or days beginning, and leave it all there with God. 


  1. CREATE AN ALTAR - a place, a room, a space where you can spend uninterrupted time with the Lord.
  2. BE INTENTIONAL - set the time that you will devote to prayer, Bible study, and worship each day. Yes, you may pray and worship throughout the whole day, or most of it, but too often, you're distracted by
    other things, other tasks. Set an intentional time just for you and the Holy Spirit to have face time.
  3. STRETCH OUT - "Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:28 gives us what I like to call a secret that will supply the longed-for rest that we need. Discontinue running after the world's answers for rest and sanity, and remember that if you'll just believe...there is a rest, coupled with peace that God offers for every single one of us. It is here, that we can truly stretch out...vulnerable, yet unbothered, and ultimately victorious. 
Dag 4

About this Plan

Stretched Out: Finding Rest in His Presence

There is a provision in Christ for everything that ails us as human beings. As humanity searches for answers in all of the wrong places, join Shauna D. Harrison as she escorts you through a journey of looking, searching, and finding rest, peace, and healing in the presence of a loving God.
