The Man God SentSýnishorn

The Man God Sent

DAY 5 OF 7

Born Again

Jesus came to the Jewish nation. What did they do? They rejected Him. The Jewish leaders were jealous because He was doing all these miracles. God’s people, the Jews, crucified Him. Yet this was all part of God’s plan for the world. Jesus would be raised on the third day, so we could have eternal life by believing in Him. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are born again and have become a child of God. 

Some of you hear the words “born again” and don’t know what they mean. What Jesus is talking about is being born of the Spirit, born of the Holy Spirit, not of the flesh. He is not talking about being back in your mother’s womb, and her water breaks, and you come out again. Jesus is referring to the Spirit. He says you can’t enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and of the Holy Spirit. He compares being born again to the wind that blows wherever it wants.

You go outside, and you see the leaves being thrown around, dirt moving, and hair blowing. You don’t see the wind itself, but its effects. For example, a friend suddenly gives his life to Christ. He’s your friend, and he’s still psycho, and you tell him, you’re still out of your mind, but something is different. He is no longer sleeping around, watching porn, using drugs, or drinking. He doesn’t even have any of those habits anymore. He’s not talking with f-bombs every other word anymore. You’re seeing the effects of the Holy Spirit in his life. He’s being transformed. When you are born again, God starts transforming your heart and your mind and renewing you, daily. 

Being born again is nothing weird. It is actually the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in your life. It doesn’t mean you should suddenly be religious. Ask Jesus to show up in your life, and watch what happens when He reveals Himself. Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened. You can call on the name of Lord, and He will answer. 

Dag 4Dag 6

About this Plan

The Man God Sent

John the Baptist was the man that God sent to prepare the way for the Messiah. The Gospel of John, written by the Apostle John, introduces us to John the Baptist’s ministry and to Jesus, God’s Son, sent to save people from their sins. This plan, based on John 1, shows God’s desire for our lives and spiritual walk with Him.
