Running With Vision: MindsetSýnishorn

Running With Vision: Mindset

DAY 2 OF 5


Douglas Wood said, “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” I don’t know about you, but I’m not always excited to go on a run! I’m usually thinking about how much more I’d rather be sleeping than stretching before I head out. But at the beginning of every run, no matter what my mindset might be at the moment, I always start by saying, “God, thank you for this day, for my mind, my body, my ability, and my health.” I agree so much with the quote above. By thanking God for the ability to run, my mindset immediately changes to a positive one and I think about how lucky I am to be able to move my body. You really can’t be thankful and unhappy at the same time. I end my runs like I start them, and no matter what the outcome of it, I thank God for allowing me to finish. 

How can we become more thankful in our everyday circumstances? Maybe it’s keeping a journal so you can remind yourself of how God has shown up in your life. Maybe it’s being intentional about looking for things throughout your day. For a few years, I wrote five to ten things I was thankful for each day. These didn’t have to be big, and honestly, most of our days are made up of a lot of small things. I became more aware of my surroundings knowing I had to write at least five things down. It’s pretty amazing what you’ll see if you’re looking for it. God is all around us. He created this world for us. Ask Him to give you eyes to see, and I guarantee you, He’ll amaze you.

When we have a mindset of thankfulness, life is so much more enjoyable. And when difficult times come, your habit of looking for the good in your days will give you a base to fall back on. God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is present, and for that, we can always be thankful. Now go look for the good in today!

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Running With Vision: Mindset

Our minds are the most powerful, or harmful, tools we have. What’s your mindset look like on a daily basis? These are lessons from a runner, but not just for runners. Whatever season of life you’re in, these lessons can help you look at things through a different perspective.
