Strengthen Your Marriage Sýnishorn

Strengthen Your Marriage

DAY 5 OF 5

Commit To Each Other And To God

Keep going! You can do it! From the day you said “I do,” God has been cheering you on in your marriage. Whether you realized it or not, He knew marriage was not something you would arrive at but journey through, and He has been your biggest advocate.

The desire to strengthen your marriage comes from understanding that there are places of weakness and suffering. We all would rather avoid suffering, but Romans 5:3-5 reminds us we can “glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” And this hope does not disappoint us because “this” hope is in Jesus, not in our husbands or our circumstances. You can keep going and journey through those areas of pain and frustration because, as verse 5 continues, God has given us Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. What you need to endure, God will pour out through His Spirit, and it will all be worth it in the end.

The promise of a finished work that we read about in scripture is not a tease. If God says it, He will do it. It just might not look the way you thought it would. God always does what will bring the most good and the most glory to His name. It’s rarely the path with the least resistance, but we can take heart, for He has overcome! Although things may try to come between you and your spouse and cause division in your marriage, Ecclesiastes 4:12 reminds us that “a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” You’re not alone, and you’re not just standing back-to-back with your spouse. As long as you keep God in the center of your marriage, that triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Most people understand that when you chose your spouse in marriage on your wedding day, you made a commitment to them before God that you would continue to choose each other, but it’s crucial to also understand the significance of making that commitment to God as well. Jesus comments on marriage in Mark 10:9 by saying, “What God has joined together, let no one separate.” This includes you and your spouse. You made vows to each other, and you made a vow to God that you would keep your vows to each other. This is the triple-braided cord that is not easily broken.

As you continue in your marriage, remember that God is with you and for you, and He has already claimed the victory over it! You can keep going with confidence that, in spite of what it might look like or feel like, this is your victory unfolding.

Take a moment to renew your vow to God to stay committed to your spouse, to your marriage, and to the work and the journey of it. Ask Him to pour out His love, joy, and strength upon you so that you can continue to run this race with endurance and hope.

Dag 4

About this Plan

Strengthen Your Marriage

From the day you said “I do,” God has been cheering you on in your marriage. Whether you realized it or not, He knew marriage was not something you would arrive at but journey through, and He has been your biggest advocate since. Join Natalie Grant & Charlotte Gambill as they share tools to strengthening your marriage for what God has joined together, let no one separate.
