Pray BadSýnishorn

Pray Bad

DAY 4 OF 4

Prayer: Challenge

This is the fourth day we have been talking about prayer. We talked about what prayer is. We talked about how to do it. We talked about how much Jesus did it. But today, I want to challenge you to do it. For the next week, get a notepad, notebook, or even post-it pad. Commit to spending 90 seconds a day in prayer. Write out a short prayer each day that acknowledges who God is, asks for help in forgiving others, and asks God to bless you in a specific way. Or, maybe if you aren’t a journaler, set an alarm to go off on your phone every hour to remind you to take a moment to pray.

Prayer is spiritual warfare. It’s a relational connection with God, and it is a discipline in our lives. I pray and hope this study creates a great new habit in your life. I love the passage for today in Matthew 7. It is often misquoted as saying “If you ask you will receive…,” but that is not what it says at all. It speaks in the infinitive tense. It says you must keep asking—don’t just ask and pray one time. We pray and ask always. I want to encourage you to keep asking!

For more resources and ways to be encouraged find us online


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