Relationship and Faith in LeadershipSýnishorn

Relationship and Faith in Leadership

DAY 1 OF 3

Day One: Statistically Improbable Product of Grace

Has someone ever changed the course of your life by believing in your potential? In this series of devotionals, we’re going to meet the inspiring and inspired Nona Jones, the Head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook.

What’s fascinating about Nona’s story is that her current position, working at one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, would have seemed like a miracle to anyone who knew her as a child. Maybe that’s why Nona likes to refer to herself as “a statistically improbable product of grace.”

Nona experienced the trauma of abuse at a young age. That tragedy shaped her early school career. She was labeled a “problem child,” and as middle school approached, she was heading straight for a life in detention centers…or worse. Regardless of what God thought of her, the messages from the world were loud and clear.

That’s when a group of teachers stepped in and spoke to her potential. They believed in her and taught her to believe in herself. She began to work harder in school, and by the time high school rolled around, she was enrolled in advanced classes, playing varsity tennis, and serving in student government. She finally began to see herself the way Christ sees her, thanks to some people who spoke truth and value into her life.

What I love about Nona’s story is that those teachers didn’t just see her potential—they took action to help her activate it! Those teachers helped her sign up for classes and learn about new opportunities. They befriended her and tutored her. As Nona likes to say, “educators really are touching and shaping the future.”

That’s powerful: educators, along with all leaders, can literally change the future for the better. You have the choice to advance God's kingdom by helping others see their potential. Speaking life into others can drastically change their future, and the ripple effect of lives touched will be far more than you'll ever know.

1 Peter 4:10 reminds us: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." The way you steward your team and lead with grace may look, or be different from other leaders, but listening to God's direction as a leader is more important than ever.

In these polarizing times, how we engage with others is more important than ever. Also how we leaders are influencing the next generation. Determining to be a leader that offers grace the way Christ would may mean a change in direction for those who follow you.

To Consider

Are you investing in someone who may become a future leader?

What was the most transformative lesson a teacher ever taught you?

To Pray

God, I know that others have guided me on my journey. Give me gratitude for their guidance, and a heart to pass along your wisdom. Amen.


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About this Plan

Relationship and Faith in Leadership

A three-day devotional exploring various aspects of leadership, based on the leading podcast: The WOW Factor Leadership Podcast. Biblical wisdom from successful leaders, featuring Nona Jones of Facebook.
