Facing the Giant of AddictionSýnishorn

The need to change
‘You know these things – now do them. That is the path of blessing.’ John 13:17 TLB
There’s an old Irish proverb that says, ‘A bad habit’s like a warm bed; easy to get into, but hard to get out of.’ What are the habits you need to get into or out of? If you want to know where you’ll be a year from now, check your daily routine. Change doesn’t happen because of what you know; it happens because of what you do daily. James writes, ‘Don’t fool yourself...letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear...whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God...and sticks with it...will find delight’ (James 1:22-25 MSG). What do you want at this time? Better health? A better marriage? A better prayer life? A better income? Unless a rich relative dies or you get an email from heaven telling you otherwise, you’re going to have to: a) seek God, set down some written goals, and keep them before you constantly; b) devise a step-by-step plan for reaching them; c) stop time-wasting and start calling for more accountability from yourself; d) push, persist and persevere! Thomas Edison said, ‘Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed up in overalls, and looks like work’; and e) submit ‘all of the above’ to God for His approval, then make a start. Otherwise, we’ll be having this same conversation at this time next year. Jesus said, ‘You know these things – now do them. That is the path of blessing’ (John 13:17 TLB).
Prayer Point:
I pray today, Lord, that You highlight the areas of my life that need to be brought in line with Your will. I desire to live a life of purpose and a life of complete fulfillment in You and pray that I can, with Your help, achieve all You have promised for me. Help me to be determined and focused to fulfill Your high calling for my life. Amen.
About this Plan

When we’re held in the grip of addiction, it can be difficult to see a way out. But with God’s help and strength, we can break out of the chains and find new freedom with Him. Read this 30-day reading plan from UCB to face the 'giant' of addiction with the help of God's Word.