Captivating a 6-Day Study to Restoring Your Feminine Heart by Stasi EldredgeSýnishorn

Captivating a 6-Day Study to Restoring Your Feminine  Heart by Stasi Eldredge

DAY 6 OF 6

Day 6 - Your Unreplaceable Role

A woman doesn’t come alive being merely useful. We want our lives to matter and to matter deeply. We want to be needed. Irreplaceable. And so does God.

As we grow in Christ and become more and more his, more healed, and more truly ourselves, God recovers and restores our desires. And if we never have been aware of any, he awakens them. Not all women are mothers, but all women are life-givers. Women give birth to all kinds of things: ministries, relationships, creative works, books . . . the list is endless.

God has written something on your heart. Giving yourself permission to dream, think: If you could do anything, what would it be? Where? Who else might be involved?

If you don’t know what your calling is, what God has written on your heart, look at how you have been wounded in your life. What has been assaulted? What lies have been spoken to you? These wounds often reveal the secret of your glory and what you are meant to bring to the world. Why else would you be so attacked there?

All women have an irreplaceable role to play and we are called to be life-givers. The way we live this out expresses itself in a myriad of ways throughout our lives. Some of the desires that God has written on our heart are specific and some are mythic. You are a woman. You are a life-giver. You do have an irreplaceable role to play. We need you. God needs you. Choose Him. First. Last. And in between.

We hope you enjoyed this study. Stasi Eldredge and her husband John continue to bring healing and restoration to countless hearts through the resources and communities at their non-profit Wild At Heart. Explore resources like podcasts, events, and guides for a deeper walk with God and community at

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About this Plan

Captivating a 6-Day Study to Restoring Your Feminine  Heart by Stasi Eldredge

Join Stasi Eldredge for this six-day study to reveal how Jesus restores the feminine heart, and allow you to discover the glorious design of women the way God originally intended. Based on the bestselling book "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" and guided by the author.
