Come and See: An Invitation to Meet JesusSýnishorn

Yesterday we learned that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but today is the REAL GOOD NEWS. Yes, it keeps getting better.
In today's chapter, we read that Jesus didn't stay dead but rose back to life three days later.
"Alright, prove it," you might say. After all, rising from the dead isn't how life ordinarily works. But there are countless reliable eye-witnesses to the resurrection and accounts of Jesus appearing to his friends and others.
However, even with Jesus right there, some people couldn't believe what they saw. Jesus' friend Thomas was one of them. He needed to see the scars in Jesus' hands to believe. So Jesus showed up for Thomas, even letting him reach out and touch the nail marks in His hands and feet. Thomas's doubt turned to belief!
This week, you've met and experienced this same Jesus right in front of you. You've been able to have sincere conversations about all of these stories. You've been able to listen and see for yourself. The question now is, do you choose to believe Jesus is real? Today can be the day you do that.
No matter what you decide, Jesus is still madly in love with you and patiently waits for you to process your questions and thoughts. And your mentors are still right alongside you, ready to talk about life and to keep digging into the truth about Jesus.
What would help you believe in who Jesus is and that what he has done for you is true?
What is preventing you from beginning a relationship with Jesus?
What do you want to know or learn next about Jesus?
About this Plan

The best way to meet Jesus is to "come and see" how he interacted with others, how he taught, and how he lived. This week, we invite you to come and see Jesus for yourself.