We Were Made for ThisSýnishorn

We Were Made for This

DAY 3 OF 3

Prayer: God, thank you for sending Jesus to earth to glorify you and make a way for us to come to you. I praise you for the plan that you have to make your glory known. Open my eyes to what you would have me do as I read your word. Amen.

You Are Made for God’s Glory

We have looked at what the Glory of God is, and how it has been shown to us through Jesus, so what does this mean for you now? From the story of creation in Genesis to the book of Revelation, God has glorified Himself to humanity through those who follow him. Humanity was created to glorify God! The people of Israel declared the glory of God to the nations that surrounded them in the Old Testament by worshiping one God instead of the gods of the land. The Church declares his glory to this day by proclaiming the Gospel -- that God sent His Son to live a perfect life, die on a cross to pay the price of our sin, defeat death and rise from the grave before returning to the Father.

As a believer, you are called to glorify God in all that you do -- from laundry to work to relationships -- everything! In both daily tasks and major life events, you have the opportunity to honor the Lord in your actions and with your words. This could be through publicly praising him for what he has done in your life during a conversation with a friend while studying, or through sharing the Gospel with a coworker over lunch. We bring glory to God when we make him the center of our lives, when we can point to him as our source of joy, of peace, and of provision in all areas of our lives. 

Look in the Word

  1. From these verses, what stands out to you?
  2. What is something new that you see?
  3. How does Paul see the Lord in 1 Timothy 1:12-17? 
  4. How has your conduct and speech changed because of Jesus' life, death and resurrection?

What’s Next?

Write out a short version of your testimony in a similar format to the 1 Timothy passage. Think of 2-3 words that describe what you were before you believed the Gospel and 2-3 after. Include thanks to the Lord at the beginning and thanks for the Gospel at the end -- practice writing the gospel in your own words. Click here  for an example on how to prepare your testimony. 

Think of someone who you could share this testimony with: a friend, co-worker, classmate. The next time you sit down with them, ask if you can share what the Lord has done in your life. You can even read it to them if you like!

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