5 Steps to Know God’s Will - What the Bible SaysSýnishorn

5 Steps to Know God’s Will - What the Bible Says

DAY 4 OF 6

Step 3: Seek Wise Counsel

Spending time in prayer with God and reading the Bible are by far and away the best ways to find God’s will for your life. However, God also speaks through the people that He brings into your life.

Almost everywhere you look, you see a model of “older and wiser” people giving guidance to others. Companies have boards of directors; churches have elder boards; and children have parents. 

In professional circles, the concept of mentoring is not unfamiliar. You may even be part of a mentor program, or you may have a personal coach or someone special that you go to for advice.

But having a mentor or someone more experienced to guide you from a Christian perspective may not be quite so obvious, is it?

Just going to church on Sunday is not enough. Without personal insight and guidance offered by fellow Christians, you are shortchanging yourself.

Listening to the voices of your neighbors, friends or peers at work in favor of wisdom from your elders in Christian circles is inadequate. Remember King Solomon’s son Rehoboam in the Old Testament? He rejected the godly counsel from his elders in favor of advice from his peers, and split the nation of Israel into Jews and Samaritans as a result. 

The Bible is replete with examples of God-fearing people helping others. Think of Moses coaching Joshua, or Jesus training up his disciples. More broadly, the Bible suggests that all Christians get together to encourage and sharpen each other, doesn’t it? 

Christianity is not a solo sport!

As you seek out Christian guidance, be reminded that finding God’s will does not require others to have all knowledge of your specific situation. God can and will speak through others that He has surrounded you with – your pastor, small group, and if you are married, then especially your spouse.

If you don’t have a circle of Christian friends that you can trust already, then get one! Your church almost certainly has a small group program that can help get you started. Get over any excuses that you have been using, and make time in your schedule to participate. 

God has placed you in community so that you might not only be sharpened and sharpen others but also to help you grow and find God’s plan for your life. Don’t miss out!

Reflection / Application    

  1. Do you regularly meet with a small group of Christian friends where you can talk freely and pray for each other? If not, why not?    
  2. God wants to speak to you through others, and have you help others for Him also. Reflect on a recent experience where you saw either of these to be true. Can you see God at work?      
  3. Invite a Christian friend to coffee next week and talk about how you might sharpen each other. Don’t be shy or embarrassed. Pray it through and watch God work! 
Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

5 Steps to Know God’s Will - What the Bible Says

Even though we routinely make decisions and make plans in life, knowing God’s will can be difficult. Sometimes, all seems clear until we find that we’re headed the wrong way. At other times, we proceed more cautiously, and miss the opportunity God had for us. In this very practical study, we present a 5-step process to help clarify God’s will, even when it seems He is silent.
