The Gospel for LifeSýnishorn

The Gospel for Life

DAY 3 OF 11

Eat Your Peas; Dessert is Coming!

Getting Our Toes Wet:

Most of us have heard the words, “I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. Which do you want first?” Usually we want the bad news first. It’s like having peas left on your plate at dinner and dessert waiting in the kitchen. If you have to eat both of them, you save the good stuff for last so you have something to look forward to. When it comes to the message of Bible, there IS bad news to hear! But take heart . . . the bad news will make the Good News of the Gospel even sweeter! 

Diving in Deep:

We were created to glorify God! That was humanity’s purpose from the beginning of creation. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were created and given dominion over a beautiful world. They had a relationship and fellowship with God, Who gave them one rule to follow so they could live that way forever. We only have to see the news, look at our surroundings, or check social media to see that something went wrong. Instead of obeying God, they decided to be their own bosses and do what pleased them. From then on, all humanity has done the same; following our own rules instead of obeying God. The word for that is sin. Our sin separates us from God, because He is perfectly holy. And, we can’t do anything to fix ourselves and restore the relationship. That’s the bad news! 

But the good news is that God doesn’t leave us there. He made a way to save us and restore our broken relationship with Him through Jesus! That’s the really, really, Good News of the Gospel!

Back on Dry Land:

Sin marred God’s beautiful creation. One day, Jesus will return to earth to finish the work He already began. Those who put their trust in Jesus will live with God in a new heaven and earth. Sin and death and hell won’t be part of our stories anymore. 

“No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night.” – Revelation 22:3-5

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About this Plan

The Gospel for Life

The word “Gospel” literally means, “Nearly too good to be true good news.” The Gospel is not just the message we need to know for our salvation. It is the life-saving, life-giving, and life-transforming message of our Almighty, Triune God! To study it, to know it, and to be able to articulate the Word of God is not so much our responsibility as it is our privilege!
